View Profile blinkybabe101

13 Movie Reviews

3 w/ Responses


It gave me a little chuckle. I only gave it 4/5 because I'd like for it to be longer and maybe a stronger punchline.

WTG Juney!

Well done for your first flash- it blows mine out of the water :p
but next time go for the gusto and make it longer. :D

...If you haven't guessed this is Katriana from Gaia.

Oddly enough, I liked it.

Maybe I've been awake too long, but I found it really funny. I loved the bit where he drops his joint, that was funny.
Now for the "helpfull advice" To add a little more attention retention value to it, add some more dance moves to what box boy does instead of just the same repetitive thing over and over?

But anyways, good work, keep it up.


*twitch twitch* put in seizure warning. Danger to epileptics and border line epileptics.


considering I absolutely hate 99% of stick flash, achieving not bad is quite a feat.

ZT responds:

Interesting. Thanks I think...??

my ears!

oh god my ears my ears! I clicked that fucked up little whatever it was button and the scream sound effect hurt my ears. owwwwwwww. They should ban that sound effect.

pretty good

your voices and sound definitely need some work. I think I may be the umpteenth person to say that.
But that was the only repeat only thing that stopped me from giving you a perfect 5. Keep up the work, I'm looking forward to episode 2. This has some serious potential.

hmm... a bit of friendly advice.

Rather than making the viewer right click to play it, why not just put in a play button? Just trying to be helpfull, happy animating ^_^

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Age 38, Female

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